Mindfulness for Women

Discover ways mindfulness can help you feel happier in your own skin, be calm with your partner and present with your kids, have fulfilling relationships with your extended family and friends, enjoy work more, and stay present in all the demands of your life. Now is your time to shine!

At a time of massive cultural transformations, modern women are called to match with the demands of the world -family, home, friends, work, shopping, social media- using tools that they learned from their old-fashioned moms. In their attempt to shine in career or lifestyle, they may sacrifice their wellbeing. The solution can be found in mindfulness.

The Mindfulness for Women program will help you be calm with your partner and present with your kids, have fulfilling relationships with your extended family and friends, enjoy work more, stay present in all the demands of your life, and yet love and care from a place of gratitude and peace. Most importantly, it can teach you that you are enough and that it’s ok not to be perfect, allowing you to feel confident to design the lifestyle you want despite external pressures. You will embrace the wonderful process of aging with grace and inner contentment, accepting who you are, and dare to dream big for your tomorrow. 


DURATION: 6 weeks with a meeting of 2 hours per week. Sessions are interactive and include the presentation and discussion of mindfulness topics, meditation practice, and mindful movement. Participants are encouraged to devote 10-20 minutes daily between sessions to meditation.

FEE: €150

LOCATION: Online (via Zoom)




SESSION 1: Love Your Body

In a world that promotes images of women valued for their sexy, slim, fit bodies and perfect skin, the pressure to look a certain way seems to pervade every area of life. The more you cut off and reject your body the more stressed one becomes. In this session we learn to accept our body with its imperfections, and we let go of trying to be something we are not.

SESSION 2: Peace of Mind

On average we have between 30,000-70,000 thoughts a day, most of which are negative. In this session, we learn to look at our thoughts and emotions, rather than from them, and we change our relationship to our thoughts so that we feel better, more confident, and calmer.

SESSION 3: Find the Good in You

Here we introduce the cultivation of positive emotion and wellbeing. We are bringing mindful awareness to the pleasures of everyday life, and we use the Kindness and Self-Compassion meditations to accept the uncomfortable feelings and consciously choose to let go focusing on the difficult and to let in the good in you.

SESSION 4: The Power of Connection

In this session, we explore the new perspective of shared humanity, and instead of seeing others as strangers, we allow the opportunity to see how much we have in common. Connectedness and friendship are part of our female inheritance, and if we further build on those, moving from the “I” to “we”, we have the opportunity to cherish our lives more.

SESSION 5: Opening Your Heart

The previous sessions have laid the foundation for the open-armed welcoming attitude to life introduced here. Whilst continuing to observe how our moment-to-moment experience of life constantly changes, we learn to allow pleasant and unpleasant experiences to ebb and flow like waves on the sea.

SESSION 6: Mindfulness in Everyday Life

This session is the last piece of the puzzle for a happy life. As we review the sustainers and drainers in each one’s life, we realize that it is up to us to pace ourselves and put priorities, as well as value the fundamentals of life -such as eating, sleeping, and exercise- so that we live in bliss and become a force for good in the world.

Want to know more? Click here to contact me.